भारतीय दंड संहिता में लागू 406 धारा क्या है?

Indian Penal Code Section 406: Understanding Criminal Breach of Trust

Indian Penal Code (IPC) Section 406 deals with the offence of Criminal Breach of Trust. This section specifically addresses situations where a person who is entrusted with property or financial resources, dishonestly misappropriates or converts them for his/her own use or for someone else’s benefit in a manner that violates the trust placed in him/her.

Key Elements of IPC Section 406:

  1. Entrustment: There must be an entrustment of property, assets, or resources to the accused.
  2. Dishonest Misappropriation: The accused must misappropriate or wrongfully use the entrusted property dishonestly.
  3. Violation of Trust: The misappropriation must be in violation of the trust placed in the accused.
  4. Intent: The act must be intentional and done with the intent to commit criminal breach of trust.

Punishment under IPC Section 406:

The punishment for committing Criminal Breach of Trust under IPC Section 406 is imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years, or a fine, or both.

Difference between Theft and Criminal Breach of Trust:

  • Theft involves moving someone else’s property with the intention of permanently depriving the owner of that property.
  • Criminal Breach of Trust involves dishonestly misappropriating or converting someone else’s property in violation of the trust placed in the accused.

Defenses against the Allegations of Criminal Breach of Trust:

  • Lack of Entrustment
  • Lack of Dishonest Intention
  • Absence of Violation of Trust
  • Mistake or Misunderstanding


IPC Section 406 plays a crucial role in safeguarding the trust and integrity in relationships where property or assets are entrusted to individuals. It aims to protect the rightful owners from fraudulent activities and breaches of trust by holding the offenders accountable for their actions. It serves as a deterrent against dishonest practices and reinforces the importance of upholding trust in all dealings involving property and resources.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about IPC Section 406:

  1. What are the essential ingredients of Criminal Breach of Trust under IPC Section 406?
  2. The key elements include entrustment of property, dishonest misappropriation, violation of trust, and intent to commit the offence.

  3. What is the punishment for committing Criminal Breach of Trust under IPC Section 406?

  4. The punishment may extend to imprisonment for up to three years, a fine, or both.

  5. How is Criminal Breach of Trust different from Theft under the Indian Penal Code?

  6. Theft involves depriving the owner of their property permanently, while Criminal Breach of Trust involves misappropriation in violation of trust.

  7. Can a person be falsely accused of Criminal Breach of Trust under IPC Section 406?

  8. Yes, false accusations can occur, and the accused can defend themselves by proving lack of elements like entrustment, dishonest intention, or violation of trust.

  9. What role does intent play in establishing Criminal Breach of Trust under Section 406 of the IPC?

  10. Intent is crucial as Criminal Breach of Trust involves a deliberate act of dishonestly misappropriating entrusted property.

  11. Are there any defenses available for someone accused of Criminal Breach of Trust?

  12. Yes, defenses such as lack of entrustment, absence of dishonest intent, or misunderstanding can be used to defend against the allegations.

  13. How can one prevent becoming a victim of Criminal Breach of Trust?

  14. It is essential to exercise caution while entrusting property or assets to others, conduct due diligence, and maintain proper documentation to prevent any potential breaches of trust.

  15. Can a civil lawsuit be filed along with a criminal case under IPC Section 406 for the same offence?

  16. Yes, a civil lawsuit for recovery of the misappropriated property or compensation can be filed simultaneously with a criminal case for Criminal Breach of Trust.

  17. Does IPC Section 406 apply to breach of trust in both personal and professional relationships?

  18. Yes, IPC Section 406 applies to breaches of trust in all relationships where property or assets are entrusted, be it personal, familial, or professional.

  19. Can the punishment under IPC Section 406 be enhanced in certain circumstances?

    • Yes, if aggravated circumstances like repeat offences or significant financial losses are involved, the punishment under IPC Section 406 may be enhanced accordingly.

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Kavya Patel
Kavya Patel
Kavya Patеl is an еxpеriеncеd tеch writеr and AI fan focusing on natural languagе procеssing and convеrsational AI. With a computational linguistics and machinе lеarning background, Kavya has contributеd to rising NLP applications.

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